888 "Everybody Can’t Complain"
Since when? Everybody Can’t Complain? Really?? Have they eaten out with Larry David? I’m sure he complains the entire meal (“Why do I have to tip? The restaurant should tip me for eating there-i’m a great eater). Oh, Larry, you and your 1% problems. One thing I can’t complain about is the new album by 888. Do you like your pop with synths and loud drums? How about catchy catchy choruses? How about The Thompson Twins and Death Cab jamming? Sound like a dream come true? Crank up MISSING YOU and you will have your new earworm, and that is a good thing for once. If only John Hughes was alive to make new non-racist/sexist movies then I could place “Needed You” and fulfill my placement dreams. Until then I will just crank up “Alone” and cry into my prom dress…