
June 2019 Web Update

Ugh. My allergies are awf… aaa… aaa… aaaachOOOOOOOOOOO. Sorry. Awful. My allergies are awful. But that doesn’t mean that we can’t enjoy some new tu… tuuu…. tuuu…. tuuuuCHOOOOO. Tunes. New tunes. Does anyone have a tissue? No. Oh well, At ...

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May Web Update!

 May we tell you about all these new releases? We May? Thanks! Get it? Its May, and we have a hefty slate of spring releases for your allergy-ridden ears to enjoy–and please know we too are suffering from said ...

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April Web Update!

If it’s true what they say, and April showers bring May flowers, then enjoy this bucket full of new music. What’s that? A leak in the roof? Place that BRM bucket under there (since the landlord isn’t returning your texts) ...

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March 2019 Web Update!

Remember what that asshole Punxsutawney Phil said about the 2019 winter? That we would have an early spring? Well, apparently we can’t rely on a prognosticating woodchuck to get us out of this deep-freeze March. So how are we supposed ...

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