Jaye Jayle "No Trail and Other Unholy Paths (Sargent House)"
If you are looking for a moody, atmospheric record then you have arrived at exactly where you need to be. The new record from Jaye Jayle (the alternate musical personality of Evan Patterson) is all that, and more. No Trail and Other Unholy Paths (Sargent House) has hints of Philip Glass, Fripp and Eno, Tangerine Dream, Nick Cave, and other high water marks for the coolest of record collectors (full disclosure: I have records from each of the aforementioned artists) as well as guest turns from Emma Ruth Rundle (again, on my shelf). The record is meant to be played in any order you deem fit, with Sides A and B being interchangeable. But for our purposes, we need to start somewhere. So start with haunted rock sounds of the Emma Ruth Rundle featuring “Cemetery Rain.”