A Giant Dog "Toy (Merge)"
My favorite barista at my local coffee shop, who knows only vaguely that my work has something to do with music, said the following to me after she binged Girl Boss: “Oh. My. God! Do you know this band A Giant Dog? I heard them on Girl Boss and immediately they are my favorite band!” So besides the thrill of telling her that “yeah, we had a hand in that” I was also thrilled to tell her “you know they have a new record coming soon?” She was very excited. As is everyone. You either have never heard of A Giant Dog or you are obsessed with Sabrina and the gang. Toy (Merge), their latest LP, is full of their Nashville punk perfection, a sound somewhere between Joan Jett and The Ramones, with a little Jason & the Scorchers thrown in for good measure. And with Sabrina front and center, as fearless and anyone in rock, there is nothing A Giant Dog can’t do. Rock along with “Bendover.” Now, if only I could figure out how to parlay this into a free iced coconut latte…