
Total Eclipse Of The Blog!

Well that sure was a wild Eclipse 2017 ride, eh? It turns out that nighttime during the day looks an awful lot like nighttime at night. Either way, it was pretty cool. I haven’t had to make a pinhole camera ...

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This has to be like the 10th intro to this week’s blog I’ve tried to write. I can’t. I can’t do it. There is only one thing on everyone’s mind and it ain’t great. But everyone needs a moment of...
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The Blog Is Dark And Full Of Terrors

   While many things that came out of last week’s HBO hack, one of the notable leaks was the reveal that I am music supervising the final 9 episodes of Game of Thrones! More shocking were some of the interesting new ...

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August Web Update

Oh August. What a confusing month you are. It feels like summer is almost over, because it’s August, and that’s the last month of summer (science!). But also, August is usually one. hot. long. month. So what are some fun...
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