

It’s beginning to feel a lot like summer, everywhere you look… Oh right. Summer is over… Or is it? Who even knows anymore. This is the hottest autumn I can remember. It’s too late in the year to wear summer-y...
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Well hello there faithful BRM Blog reader! How’s your week been? That’s great to hear! Me? Why thank you for asking! I’m lamenting the end of summer, but hopeful we will have a lovely autumn this year. Look at us ...

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September 2017 Web Update

Can you believe it? It’s already the first Tuesday of the month! That means that our latest Web Update is here. The front page of is now chock full of new releases, and what a bunch of new releases...
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New-Tunes-O-Rama: Labor Day Edition!

Ok. I know everyone is half out the door today with thoughts of the last long weekend of the summer. I know it so well, in fact, that I toyed with the idea of making today’s blog post a “clips...
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