
Super Quick Easy Blog

No time to lose! If you’re anything like me, you are woefully behind on work after the holiday weekend. Actually, if you are anything like me you are in fact DESPERATELY behind after having vacation last week, and arrived back ...

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So Johnny (yes, I call him Johnny, relax!) goes on vacation and Lyle is “unavailable” so I’m left holding the blog. BLOG? In 2018?? Anyone read those things still? IS THIS THING ON??? Well, since I’m playing substitute teacher, I ...

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The Blog Is Dark And Full Of Terrors

   While many things that came out of last week’s HBO hack, one of the notable leaks was the reveal that I am music supervising the final 9 episodes of Game of Thrones! More shocking were some of the interesting new ...

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13 Reasons And The Music’s One

   We here at Bank Robber have been swept up in the angst and mystery of 13 Reasons Why on Netflix. Did we (me) lose an entire weekend to it? Perhaps (Yes). Are we the target audience? Well, prolly not. But ...

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